Illustration of two kids looking through their trick-or-treat bags
Illustration by JOHN CORBITT

Healthy Treats on Halloween?

Sam says it’s OK for grown-ups to give out healthy treats on Halloween. Ari doesn’t agree. What do you think?

From the October/November 2021 Issue


Art by John Corbitt; (All Images)

It’s OK for grown-ups to give out healthy treats on Halloween.

First of all, I get A LOT of candy on Halloween. It’s nice to have some other things to eat too.

Also, I like raisins and pretzels. I know they’re not candy. But they still taste good.

Last, I can save the healthy treats for my lunch. Who doesn’t like raisins and pretzels in their lunch?


Art by John Corbitt; (All Images)

It’s not OK for grown-ups to give out healthy treats on Halloween.

First of all, Halloween is for candy. It’s called trick-or-treat for a reason. Candy is the treat.

Next, I can eat healthy snacks anytime. Candy is special. It’s a Halloween thing.

Last, it’s so sad to look in your bag and find . . . an apple. It almost makes me want to cry.

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Have students preview the text features. Ask:

  • What is the topic of the debate? (Prompt students to use the debate title and the picture as clues.)
  • What are the two opinions people might have about this topic?


  • Read the debate as a class or divide the class into groups.
  • You can also have students read the debate as partners, with each student reading one side aloud.


As a class or in groups, have students discuss:

  • Which opinion do you think makes the most sense?
  • What is your opinion? What information or argument helped you form your opinion?



  • Pass out our opinion-writing printable (available in your Resources tab). Ask students to write their opinion in the top section.
  • Then students can underline three points in the debate that back up their opinion.
  • Last, they can complete our printable to show what their opinion is.
