Welcome to the Gross-Out Issue!

What makes something gross? Explore this essential question with these stories:

Enjoy your Storyworks 2!

Laine Falk

Editor, Storyworks 2


Looking for the Digital Resouce Guide that came with your print issue? Click here!

Mini Read: World’s Tallest Sand Castle

What does it take to build the tallest sand castle in the world?

Words & Pictures: Six Legs, Five Facts

Give kids background knowledge about the Brood X cicadas before the Big Read.

Big Read: The Invasion of Brood X

Storyworks 2 Editor Laine Falk recalls her childhood encounter with cicadas, as we approach Brood X’s 2021 emergence after 17 years.

Debate: Finders Keepers?

Jack and Leah found $10 on the sidewalk. Should they keep it?

Mini Graphic Novel: Save That Mump!

Three friends discover a hungry baby bird and scramble to save its life by seeking out the very specific (and very gross) food it requires.

Paired Texts: What's That Smell?

In these paired texts, your students will learn about a stinky animal and a stinky plant, and how each of their stenches serves a different purpose.

Question & Answer: Interview With an Ice Pop

Pop in for Question Mark’s in-depth interview with an ice pop.

Fiction: Our Spot

When Nico and his friends stumble upon a vacant lot, they turn it into their own secret park. But will it stay their secret?

Poetry: Ice Pops, Ice Pops

Read this delightful ode to the cold and sweet (and slippery!) summer treat that is the ice pop.
